Although there are small details like 10 skills

It takes more time to RS gold finish the quests once you’ve completed your training. This makes it appear less time-consuming than it actually is. If you’re more than me and you play about 7 hours a week, it’ll take about 26 weeks and four days, or approximately 5.5 months.

Although there are small details like 10 skills that can be upgraded to reach the max level required, that does not make up for the quests that most likely require you to be higher than the minimum level.

There’s also the chance of dying and losing significant sums of money, that makes it more difficult however, this isn’t the case when you’re smart (I’ve lost around 215k over the course of about 3 deaths on quests). The time required to earn money is often ignored. In my experience, I haven’t been required to buy OSRS gold spend a lot of time making money. I can be content without whips or other items that most are used by people. Jagex continues to release new quests, increasing the skill requirements. This means that the quest cape becomes more difficult to acquire. However, skills will be easier to obtain when they are updated. The quest cape is more difficult than the 2 or 3 average capes of skill. Discuss.

Asked on September 3, 2021 in English.
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