Heater and heating power of oil diffusion pump

Heater and heating power of oil diffusion pump

Compared with the diffusion radiation pump, the pumping capacity and maximum outlet pressure of the oil diffusion pump are much lower, so the heating power of the pump is also lower. The boiler diameter of oil diffusion pump is usually equal to (less than) the diameter of pump port. The heat load of oil diffusion pump boiler with pumping speed greater than 500L / s shall not exceed 2-2.5w/cm2

In the oil diffusion pump, the power consumed by oil evaporation is usually 60% – 70% of the total power, and other parts are used to compensate for various heat losses. In the diffusion pump, the heat loss mainly includes the following aspects: the heat conduction from the heater surface through the boiler wall to the outside (20% – 25%); the heat transfer from the hot boiler to the cold pump body along the pump wall (10% – 15%); the radiation from the guide pipe surface to the pump wall and the heat transfer from the gas and steam mixture from the guide pipe to the pump wall (5% – 10%). If the pump results are good, the heat loss can be reduced to 10% – 15% of the total power.

For example, the heat loss can be obviously reduced if the heat insulation of pump heater and boiler is stopped. Assuming that there is no air layer between the bottom of the boiler and the heater, the heating power can be well applied.



Asked on November 3, 2020 in Business.
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