How to alter your mouse settings in Lost Ark

If the “Attack using Right-click” option is toggled on Lost Ark Gold the user can navigate, interact, and even pick up objects using your left mouse. If it’s disabled then you’ll use the left-click to attack and right-click to do the rest.

A primary things to consider when setting up your control strategy during Lost Ark is deciding whether you’d like to use left-click or right-click as the standard attack button. Although this decision might seem permanent at first, especially with the way some of the game’s settings can be displayed, there’s options to change your mouse’s functions in your game options.

In fact, Lost Ark has a relatively thorough system that allows players to define their buttons as well as customize the way they play around different types of gameplay. But, the mouse controls are more difficult than other hotkeys to make them work better.

To modify your mouse settings to change your mouse settings Lost Ark, the first thing to do is access your game’s in-game options by hitting the Escape key. Once you’ve done that, you’ll find the dropdown menus you can use. Select the menu titled “Hotkeys” to open your options for controlling buttons and buttons.

After you’ve logged into your “Hotkeys” menu, scroll down until you come to buy Lost Ark Items the section called “Basic Controls.” When you look over, you’ll find two red boxes , each with an icon for the mouse inside of them. Additionally, you’ll see an icon that locks the boxes. This means that the boxes aren’t able altered.

Asked on February 22, 2022 in English.
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