liquid ring vacuum pump a centrifugal pump

liquid ring vacuum pump a centrifugal pump

The first thing to understand is that liquid ring vacuum pump is not a centrifugal pump. We can make a clear distinction between them from the place of practical application. Of course, both of them have the application of centripetal force. However, liquid ring vacuum pump is used to pump vacuum gas, which is a kind of volumetric gas equipment. And centrifugal pump is used to deliver liquid, belongs to the speed type fluid equipment. One is a vacuum pump, the other is a water pump one by one.

The centripetal force in liquid ring vacuum pump is mainly used to throw the liquid around the impeller in the process of rotation to form a ring with a certain thickness for blocking. The impeller is an eccentric device, so a relatively closed crescent shaped space will be formed between the liquid ring and the cavity. At the same time, the ring is blocked to separate the impeller, and some spaces are separated into independent suction and exhaust spaces. In the process of rotation, after the volume change of the blocked space, the process of suction, contraction and exhaust is completed, and the gas in the vacuum chamber is removed. In the early stage, liquid ring vacuum pump was also used in self suction pump.

And centrifugal pump, is simply relying on the centripetal force generated when the impeller rotation to protect the liquid pump. The impeller of the concentric device rotates at high speed in the cavity filled with water. The water is thrown out. At the same time, a vacuum negative pressure is formed in the pump cavity, and the new water is *** in. This circulation completes the liquid delivery.



Asked on November 3, 2020 in Business.
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