Now,this will be a new minigame on runescape

Now,this will be a new minigame on runescape where you will be transported to an alternate universe where everything is as normal except for OSRS gold certain things. Everywhere is dark and deserted, there is a spooky mist that is floating around, all the villages are down and there are zombies and terrifying creatures everywhere!

It is believed that the forces of evil have removed guthix, Saradomin (and any other gods not supportive of zombies everywhere) from Runescape. So now zamorak, and other gods and gods of evil have taken control, infecting the world with zombies and skeletons and many other vile creatures. It is not possible to attack opponents in this mini-game, only adversaries. To make it easier for teams to work together Multi-combat is available everywhere.

There has to be a minimum of 40 players playing in any game. Each player is transported to a city, either varrock, lumbridge, or seer’s village. The players must all defend their city until they have conquered all zombies they’ll be coming in waves, with each one getting harder, the last wave is wave 5, after they have beat waves 5 and 6, they will be transported by the spirit of dead warriors that died trying to defeat the zombies to falador, from where they meet up with buy RS gold the teams from the other cities. First thing they need to be able to do is take on the “hive”, a huge egg-like, gooey egg-shaped structure that releases horrible guns at players. Once that’s done, a boss zombie emerges from it. It starts at level 400 and rises by 20 levels per player who remains in the game.

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