Tips for Performance Drill Bits Suppliers

Useful tips for grinding performance drill bits Suppliers

Twist drill
Since the cutting edge of the twist drill has a composite relief on the back, it is best to re-sharp it with a jig or a special machine (such as “Drill Doctor”). These are almost impossible to re-sharpened by hand.

Single and double spiral drill bit
Use an auger file or a stone or triangular saw file. Never use a grinder. Check the drill bit carefully before sharpening and when filing. Each cut lip should do exactly the same job, so be sure to maintain the original contour. First, sharpen the spurs on the inside. Do not file outside, as this will change the size of the drill bit. Then file the cutting edge at the bottom-that is, the file goes through the throat of the drill.

Slot and Tenon Milling Cutter
Use a smooth auger to polish the flute and remove burrs. Use a small saw to sharpen the pointed teeth and sharpen the nose with a file, taking care to maintain the critical angle. The smooth edges are sharpened by the stone working in the flute. Do not sharpen the outer edges.

Brad Point Drill
Use an auger file or stone, or a small triangular saw file to sharpen the spurs and knives. Keep the two pairs of knives and spurs at the same height so that they can perform the same amount of work. Remove as little as possible, and make sure to file only on the spurs or the inside of the lips.
For more product-related information, please click: cutting tools wholesale


Asked on November 22, 2021 in Technology.
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